Couple Enrichment Services

At Align Couples Therapy, we only utilize methods that are grounded in Science. We are trained in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, as well as other science based approaches. An outline of Gottman method can be found here.

couple displaying a heart with hands

Weekly Couples Counseling


heart page from a book symbolizing couples workshops

Couples Workshops & Retreats


marathon runner tying shoes symbolizing marathon counseling intensives

Marathon Couples Intensives


How do I get started?

Head over to my contact page: click here and fill out the new client request form, hit send. It’s that easy. I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

If you are desiring couples counseling we begin with a 4 session comprehensive, personalized assessment which includes:

  • 55 minute conjoint couples session to go over desired goals, gather relationship history, assess current relationship functioning

  • Online assessment through the Gottman Connect

  • Separate 1:1 sessions with each partner to address individualized histories, concerns

  • Follow up conjoint session to present all information gathered from online assessment and 1:1 sessions. This provides the road map to begin work*.

We can schedule these sessions all in one day, or over the course of a few weeks depending on your schedule and needs.

*couples counseling is not always recommended after the initial assessment. Circumstances where there is abuse or mental health concerns sometimes require individual counseling (prior to the couples therapy) to lay the foundation for couples counseling to succeed. Recommendations, referrals and opportunities for collaborative treatment are provided.

For session fee information, see my FAQ page here.

What can I expect?

Once the above relationship assessment is complete, the couples therapy moves at your pace and speed. Some couples attend session weekly, while others choose bi-weekly or monthly. As we work through your list of goals, my intention is to slowly back out of the process. Each session we will evaluate where we are in accordance with your initial assessment goals as well as incorporate new goals that may arise.

Online counseling options are available once the assessment is completed in person. Feel free to contact me for further details regarding online couples counseling.

If individual issues arise during the course of the couples counseling, appropriate referrals will be offered and we are happy to collaborate treatment with other professionals.